1(725) 222-3686 doug@DOuGTrainer.com

If we have more than one dog, some owners think the remaining dogs get depressed. Other owners think they feel depressed themselves.

  1. I’m feeling sad and depressed. My other dogs are still with me. I don’t know what’s going on inside them. They’re acting differently.
  2. I’m feeling sad and depressed. My other dogs are feeling depressed, too.

In the midst of the grief any owner feels after a lifetime of loving their dogs, it’s not the time to argue about ways of looing at things, but respectfully it must be done. The owner’s inside world chooses one of the two above, and that decision, made internally, sets the A-B foundation that cannot be ignored. If it *IS* ignored, the discussion really cannot proceed—it’s a paradox.

Respectfully submitted.