1(725) 222-3686 doug@DOuGTrainer.com

Stop the Baby Talk with Your Dog

BABY TALK—STOP USING IT WITH YOUR DOG With dogs, don’t use baby talk. Don’t—just don’t—and don’t shoot the messenger. We’re going down quite a series of rabbit holes—stick with it! High energy dogs are the dogs that have the problems. High energy dogs have problems...

My Late Friend

My friend—my dead friend. One little word told you that. My friend. or My late friend. We may not think about it, but in seemingly the smallest way, words have huge importance. Remind yourself and others around you that you’re in one of two camps. You’re either: an...

Dog Socialization

Socialization? To most, it’s “taking dogs on field trips to stores and exposing them to as many, different environments as possible.” The theory is that by familiarization and desensitization, they’ll become relaxed and submissive, and will be able to...

Do This First Before Asking Any Question About Dogs

How Do You and Your Dog Relate? Executive Summary Question: What happens in relationships? You and Your Dog Spoiler: choose Nature. What holistic foundation do you follow for you and your #dog? Have you ever even thought about it? I’ll venture probably not—our...